Toward the Concept of Civil Resilience
In times when democratic principles and the rule of law are threatened by public violence or conflict, civil society has the potential to react and transform it...
In times when democratic principles and the rule of law are threatened by public violence or conflict, civil society has the potential to react and transform it...
Im Zuge der partizipativen Revolution, der sozialen und ökonomischen Deregulierung, dem Aufkommen neuer sozialer Bewegungen und dem damit verbundenen Aufstieg d...
The handbook empowers facilitators to develop diversity in their work with groups in every field of non-formal education. We think, that diversity is becoming a...
Die Idee der aktiven Bürgerschaft hat im Laufe der letzten Jahrzehnte überall in Europa an Einfluss gewonnen. Das Bild der Bürgerin und des Bürgers hat sich in ...
Zimmermann, N.; Heublein, E. (2017). Holistic Learning – Planning experiential, inspirational and participatory learning processes. Competendo Handbook fo...
How could we equip people with the necessary tools and approaches to help them implement their civic initiative and motivate them to become civically engaged? H...
So merkwürdig es scheint: Die meisten Akteure aus dem NGO-Sektor und die vielen zivilgesellschaftlichen Aktivisten mit ihrem kritischen Bürgersinn, finden zwar ...
Anthony Dworkin vom pro-europäischen Thinktank European Council on Foreign Relations betrachtet die Entwicklung nach Snowden aus einer europäischen und politisc...
The passion for initiative and the ability to create social change in your concrete neighborhood, group or city is key for a democratic society. Civil engagemen...
Providing Systemic Support for Mentees and Their Projects. A Handbook for Facilitators To support another person in personal development is a fulfilling and amb...